具体的な仕事内容■APJ sku management○Become the regional expert and trusted business advisor○Creation and management of all sku requests for APJ○Providing regular filtered datasets (e.g. pricelists) to meet business needs via the use of a master file○Co-ordination of skus for our Japan based e-commerce partner■APJ revenue share and shipping reports - ensuring timely creation and delivery of accurate reports adhering to contract terms■ Japan leadership and partner sales support including but not limited to:○Order troubleshooting/key fulfillment○Royalty reporting and booking○Communication and alignment on product readiness and BOM changes○Language support to non-English speaking sales members within Japan○Coordination of customer/partner events and team meetingsチーム/組織構成APJ(アジア太平洋州、日本)におけるセールスオペレーションチームは、シドニーにいるリーダーと、シンガポール2名、日本2名というメンバー構成です。